Seven Perfume Cravings that Prove I?ve Lost My Mind
Photo by Beata Cervin. You can read more here.It?s not that I?ve stopped wearing Miel de Bois, thick velvety chypres, or any old amber-vanilla-sandalwood bombs. I do it with aplomb like we all did in the  80s, with one extra spritz for good luck....
New Perfume Releases- Do We Care" Should We Care"
Pierre Amédée Marcel-Béronneau, Parfum Caressant, circa 1897There?s a YouTube genre of videos called ?reactions?. People film themselves as they watch or read something semi-controversial, from the Red Wedding to celeb plastic surgeries, clips by...
The Marketing of Dior Sauvage- Cultural Appropriation, Johnny Depp, And Missing Rene Gruau
Christian Dior photographed by Lord Snowdon, Anthony Armstrong-Jones, for Vogue 1957. Just a bit of a cultural and memory reboot.This has been on my mind for more than a month now, since reading this opinion piece by Sarah Marrs about Johnny Depp...
Summer Top Picks: Scented Body Powders
Summer is the season for perfumed body powders. Sometimes it\'s for physical comfort, for other people it\'s the preference to go with something lighter than an actual perfume (don\'t ask me. I use them together). I love a good lashing of...
My Most Worn Perfumes According To Basenotes- June 2018 Edition
It\'s been two since I checked my perfume wearing statistics on Basenotes.net where I try to keep a somewhat accurate log of my daily scents. I confess to not being diligent enough, but I make an effort most of the time. Still, I\'ve probably...
Guerlain- Black Perfecto La Petite Robe Noire- Perfume Review
I\'ve been stuck writing this review for weeks. Many weeks. I bought my bottle of Guerlain Black Perfecto La Petite Robe Noire in Italy back in early March because I fell for it on the spot and the husband had his "this is good stuff" face on....
Aerin- Linen Rose (Perfume Review)
This one comes to us from the "never say never" category of perfume picks. I think I\'ve mentioned before that I\'m having a gentle rose moment this year, which is surprising even to me. I\'ve made two such purchases, Etat Libre...
Ten Perfume Picks For Winter
I will remember this winter as a time of searching for comfort as well as increased awareness. Two concepts that can be seen as contradicting. I prefer to think of them as complementing each other when one gains comfort from the hope brought on by...
Bruno Fazzolari- Feu Secret (Perfume Review)
I have an attitude when it comes to new perfume lines. It comes from a lifetime of sniffing and collecting fragrance, but mostly from blogging about it for eleven years and eight months. It\'s easy to dismiss new brands that keep popping up with...
Guerlain- Mon Guerlain (Perfume Review)
Usually when I take a perfume for a test run I also compose the review in my head as I\'m going about my day. Once in awhile just as I\'m building the argument why a fragrance is an utter disappointment I keep getting compliments from random...
Two American Perfumers And Their Modern Approach To Fragrance
The year was 2005 and people who love perfume had more places to visit on the Internet. Just as independent blogs provided more venues to discuss fragrance, people who has small businesses making and selling their own perfumes opened online stores....
Aftelier- Memento Mori Perfume Review
The Parting of Lancelot and Guinevere, photo by Julia Margaret Cameron, 1874*The sample of Aftelier\'s Memento Mori has been sitting on the side table for many months. I\'d carefully open it, take a whiff, and quickly put the cap back on....
Summer In New Jersey- My Top Pick Perfumes
My perfume picks this summer will focus on the here and now. Or mostly on the "here". Scents that evoke life in suburban New Jersey as I know it. The image above is a vintage postcard from Cape May, the southernmost point in the state (lovely bed...
Moresque- Aristoqrati
I\'ve mentioned Aristoqrati by Moresque as one of my top perfume picks this spring, and true to that it\'s the perfume I\'ve been wearing the most over the last couple of months. In another life I might have picked it as my signature scent for...
Perfumes for an Italian Spring
We usually go to Italy in the early fall around our anniversary, because that\'s where the Blond and I have spent our honeymoon. Three years ago we went in early April, and it was decidedly different. The light, the taste of the air, they were...
Oriza L. Legrand- Rêve d'Ossian
In this still place, remote from men,Sleeps Ossian, in the Narrow Glen;In this still place, where murmurs onBut one meek streamlet, only one:He sang of battles, and the breathOf stormy war, and violent death;And should, methinks, when all was...
Edward Bess- Spanish Veil
The name Edward Bess is probably familiar to those interested in elegant makeup. In the early days of his eponymous line Edward himself used to man the Bergdorf Goodman counter and help his customers and admirers choose the right colors. If you were...
Atelier des Ors- Iris Fauve
When it comes to iris perfumes my opinion is that more is more, and even that is barely enough. I\'ve already told you that I\'ve been hoarding the last of my Iris Fauve sample so I can drench myself and get the full experience. It was worth it....
Clinique- Aromatics In Black
I realize that I\'m one flanker behind. Aromatics In Black was a 2015 release, followed by Aromatics Black Cherry last year. Prior to that Clinique has released Aromatics In White (2014) which I couldn\'t stand because of its generic musky rose...
2016 Perfume Top Picks, Hall of Shame, And Some General Kvetching
It\'s becoming a numbers game. How many of the year\'s over 1500 new perfume launches can we even get to smell given the 365 days a year, one nose, a finite perfume budget, and only so much skin surface (and patience)"  This year even more...
Quarterly Perfume Statistics- According to Basenotes
It\'s time for a quarterly evaluation of my "Most Worn" statistics as logged on Basenotes. Since my previous post I\'ve been more diligent in entering my scents of the day, so I\'m pretty sure I haven\'t missed more than one or two, which...
More Top Perfumes You can Actually Find- An Updated List
A friend who was combing through my various perfume lists happened upon this post from 2008, Twenty Five Top Perfumes You Can Actually Find. She had a good laugh at the "Actually Find" part. Who wouldn\'t" Some have been axed (R.I.P Eau de...
Bois de Turquie- Maitre Parfumeur et Gantier
Poor Bois de Turquie. It was launched in 2008 just around the time the North American distributor of Maitre Parfumeur et Gantier went AWOL or out of business or into a new venture including llamas and purple crystals. It was also around the time...
Bruno Fazzolari- Jimmy & Monserrat
Because one cannot wear Cadavre Exquis every day in a 90-degree weather.It\'s a good time to remember that Bruno Fazzolari has a special gift for handling floral notes. Jimmy and Monserrat were among Fazzolari\'s original five perfumes from...
Chanel N°5 The Hair Mist (Le Parfum Cheveux)
I\'m a sucker for Chanel No.5 paraphernalia. A hopeless sucker. Which reminds me that I\'ve just finished my most recent tub of body powder (must rectify soon).  I \'m devoted to the limited edition body oil (a backup bottle is stashed away),...